Adtrafico - Affiliate Marketing Network. The Freshest Offers. Illegally-High Payouts
Re: Adtrafico - Affiliate Marketing Network. The Freshest Offers. Illegally-High Payouts
To kick off a productive 2024, we recommend paying attention to our new Sweepstakes and Dating offers. With these, profitability is guaranteed:
• [MOB+WEB] SP - Victa Easy Walker Lawn Mower /AU - CC Submit A$2 [FB/TT pixel via url], Payout: $28.00

• [MOB+WEB] SM - Dell Inspiron 16 JB HI-FI /AU - CC Submit $3,15 [FB pixel via url], Payout: €16.00

• [MOB+WEB] CJ - AMD Ryzen 7 /DE - SOI [FB pixel via url], Payout: €3.60

• [MOB] SeniorFlirting /DK - SOI M18+, Payout: €2.60

• [MOB] 50PlusFlirting /DE - SOI M18+, Payout: €1.60

• [MOB+WEB] SP - Victa Easy Walker Lawn Mower /AU - CC Submit A$2 [FB/TT pixel via url], Payout: $28.00

• [MOB+WEB] SM - Dell Inspiron 16 JB HI-FI /AU - CC Submit $3,15 [FB pixel via url], Payout: €16.00

• [MOB+WEB] CJ - AMD Ryzen 7 /DE - SOI [FB pixel via url], Payout: €3.60

• [MOB] SeniorFlirting /DK - SOI M18+, Payout: €2.60

• [MOB] 50PlusFlirting /DE - SOI M18+, Payout: €1.60

Re: Adtrafico - Affiliate Marketing Network. The Freshest Offers. Illegally-High Payouts
Great new Sweepstakes offers are already waiting for you at Adtrafico! Be sure to set them up promptly to be among the first to secure a cap:
• [MOB+WEB] SP - Dyson v11 Vacuum Cleaner /AU - CC Submit A$3 [FB/TT pixel via url], Payout: $26.40

• [MOB+WEB] SM - Amazon Pallet /FR - CC Submit 1,95€ [FB pixel via url], Payout: €25.60

• [MOB+WEB] CI - Checkout Page /PT - CC Submit €2 [FB/TT pixel via url], Payout: €20.00

• [MOB+WEB] SH - iPhone 14 PRO /ES - CC Submit 3€ [FB pixel via url], Payout: $16.00

• [MOB+WEB] CF - Register /BG - CC Submit 1€ [FB pixel via url], Payout: $12.00

• [MOB+WEB] SP - Dyson v11 Vacuum Cleaner /AU - CC Submit A$3 [FB/TT pixel via url], Payout: $26.40

• [MOB+WEB] SM - Amazon Pallet /FR - CC Submit 1,95€ [FB pixel via url], Payout: €25.60

• [MOB+WEB] CI - Checkout Page /PT - CC Submit €2 [FB/TT pixel via url], Payout: €20.00

• [MOB+WEB] SH - iPhone 14 PRO /ES - CC Submit 3€ [FB pixel via url], Payout: $16.00

• [MOB+WEB] CF - Register /BG - CC Submit 1€ [FB pixel via url], Payout: $12.00

Re: Adtrafico - Affiliate Marketing Network. The Freshest Offers. Illegally-High Payouts
Blank Page offers from the Sweepstakes category are rightfully considered one of the most versatile, as the user is immediately directed to the data entry page, and the landing page itself is not tied to a specific product. This flexibility allows for unique bundle customization and provides more room for testing, subsequently increasing CR. Therefore, among the new offers this week, we recommend paying particular attention to our new Stripe Checkout Page, which can modify the landing page by specifying the product's name and placing its icon. Available for the following GEOs:
Belgium - €52.00
New Zealand - €32.00
Italy - €24.00
Slovakia - €20.00
Estonia - €20.00
France - €20.00
Romania - €16.00
United Kingdom - €15.20
Moldova - €12.00
Poland - €11.20

Re: Adtrafico - Affiliate Marketing Network. The Freshest Offers. Illegally-High Payouts
iPhone or Samsung? New CC Submit offer Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra from the Sweepstakes category will be an excellent alternative to the already familiar iPhone giveaway offers. Choose a GEO and see it yourself:
Belgium - €52.00
Italy - €24.00
Slovakia - €20.00
United Kingdom - €15.20
South Africa - €9.60

Re: Adtrafico - Affiliate Marketing Network. The Freshest Offers. Illegally-High Payouts
In today's selection of new add-ons, you will find Sweepstakes offers for various GEOs and brands that accept the most well-known types of traffic. Some offers have a limited cap, so we recommend not to put off testing:
• [MOB+WEB] SP - T-FAL Titanium Advanced Cookware Set /ES - CC Submit €3 [FB/TT pixel via url], Payout: $16.00

• [MOB+WEB] CI - Oral-B iO Series 9 /PL - CC Submit 13PLN [FB/TT pixel via url], Payout: €11.20

• [MOB+WEB] DS - PlayStation 5 /NL - CC Submit 5€ [FB pixel via url], Payout: $21.60

• [MOB+WEB] Win2now Blank /AT - CC Submit €2 [FB pixel via url], Payout: €21.60

• [MOB+WEB] Eurovision /SE - SOI [FB pixel via LP], Payout: $4.00

• [MOB+WEB] SP - T-FAL Titanium Advanced Cookware Set /ES - CC Submit €3 [FB/TT pixel via url], Payout: $16.00

• [MOB+WEB] CI - Oral-B iO Series 9 /PL - CC Submit 13PLN [FB/TT pixel via url], Payout: €11.20

• [MOB+WEB] DS - PlayStation 5 /NL - CC Submit 5€ [FB pixel via url], Payout: $21.60

• [MOB+WEB] Win2now Blank /AT - CC Submit €2 [FB pixel via url], Payout: €21.60

• [MOB+WEB] Eurovision /SE - SOI [FB pixel via LP], Payout: $4.00

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